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Storylines Live

Episode 23: “Y” Stories Matter in Business with Amy Kienle

YT Card Episode 23

Amy Kienle has been involved with the YMCA since she was a child. Now, as President and CEO of the YMCA of Greater Pittsburgh, Kienle looks to inspire and lead while fulfilling the Y’s mission. In this episode, Paul and Amy discuss the history of the Y, how the Y is different from other nonprofits, and the importance of hearing and sharing community stories.

Key Takeaways

  1. The YMCA’s capital S Story is built on a legacy of community impact, personal growth, and youth development. 
  2. As the largest employer of young people, the YMCA plays a vital role in shaping future leaders through meaningful work experiences. 
  3. Storytelling is essential to the YMCA’s success, as real-life stories highlight its impact on individuals and communities. 
  4. The YMCA serves as an extension of family, providing support during both triumphs and challenges in people’s lives. 
  5. Volunteers and donors are crucial in sustaining the YMCA’s mission, ensuring its programs continue to make a difference.


02:02 Host Introduction 

02:55 Guest Introduction: Amy Kienle 

06:03 How the YMCA is Growing 

07:11 How the Y Fosters Youth Development 

11:09 Amy’s Perspective on Storytelling 

13:41 The Y’s Role in Lifelong Personal Growth and Community Building 

15:30 How the Y Supports People at their Highest and Lowest Points 

18:45 Y Programs and Initiatives 

21:05 The Importance of Volunteers and Donors in Sustaining the Y’s Mission 

33:16 How to Connect with Amy and the YMCA Online

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Learn more about the YMCA of Greater Pittsburgh and its programs

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