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Storylines Live

Episode 18: Grit and Growth: Stories of Entrepreneurial Success and Sales Leadership with Brian Wesely Kerlin

YT Card Episode 18

Brian Wesely Kerlin is the Founder and CEO of Optitude. His background as an entrepreneur and sales leader with over 20 years of experience with start-ups, second-stage companies and top-tier Fortune 50 companies, is complimented by his genuine grit and approachable attitude, giving him a unique capacity to lead others to get things done when it really counts. In this episode, Paul and Brian discuss the entrepreneurial journey and working hard to get what you want.

Key Takeaways

  1. Optitude focuses on helping first-time founders in the B2B professional services space systematize their sales processes for sustainable growth. 
  2. The "Inside Out Principle" emphasizes building both performance systems and the founder’s capacity for leadership and direction. 
  3. Founders often struggle with "founder syndrome," where they can't delegate sales and growth responsibilities, hindering scalability. 
  4. Successful growth requires a balance between consistent performance and developing the leader's ability to step back and allow others to drive business. 
  5. Optitude’s approach integrates one-on-one VIP support and group academy-style programs to help founders create predictable and sustainable growth.


01:53 Host Introduction 

02:31 Guest Introduction: Brian Wesley Kerlin 

05:01 Brian’s Background and Sales Journey 

10:49 The Power of Storytelling in Sales 

17:04 Optitude’s Focus on First-Time B2B Founders and Professional Services 

19:46 Why Brian Started Optitude 

24:07 The Importance of Building Leadership Capacity 

32:45 How to Connect with Brian Online

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