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Storylines Live

Episode 15: The Power of Rebranding: Helping Healthcare Leaders Uncover Their Story and Unlock Their Potential with Mary E. Maloney

YT Card Episode 15

Mary E. Maloney, Founding CEO and Brand Strategist for Revealing Genius, specializes in helping healthcare leaders define and communicate their brand to gain the recognition they deserve and advance their careers. Using her proven E.T.A.™ framework, she solves complex positioning and messaging challenges to enhance thought leadership and industry influence. With almost 30 years of experience, she have successfully transformed brands and advised top companies in the healthcare sector. In today’s episode of Storylines Live, Paul and Mary E. dive into storytelling, branding and much more.

Key Takeaways

  1. Storytelling is essential in branding, as it allows businesses to connect emotionally with their audience, helping them understand the deeper purpose of the company and the people behind it. 
  2. Mary’s "Brand Manifesto" helps leaders define their purpose, extraordinary why, and non-negotiable values. 
  3. Personal branding for leaders is critical, as their story and purpose often shape the company’s overall narrative. 
  4. Research shows that storytelling triggers emotional and neurological responses in the brain, making it a powerful tool for connection, empathy, and engagement with the audience. 
  5. Understanding your audience’s fears, desires, and motivations is key to telling compelling stories that move them to action.


01:44 Host Introduction 

02:04 Guest Introduction: Mary E. Maloney 

04:31 About Mary’s Podcast: The Great Work of Your Life 

06:32 How Partnerships are Crucial for Expanding Mary’s Reach 

12:17 The Difference Between Branding for a Leader and an Organization 

15:04 How to Align a Personal Brand to an Organization’s Brand 

20:25 Storytelling in Branding 

24:15 The Influence of the 2008 Recession on Mary’s Work 

27:33 How Mary’s “Why” Influences Her Work 

30:33 How Storytelling has Evolved Over Time 

31:28 How to Connect with Mary Online

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