Music has always been a huge part of our Chief Storyteller, Paul’s, life. In fact, his dad’s old accordion is an instrument he still picks up to play to this day. If you didn't know, Paul currently plays bass in a band called The Altered Egos.
While we talk a lot here at WordWrite about the power of storytelling and what that does to your brain, music does a lot for your brain, as well.
Research shows listening to music can lower anxiety and blood pressure. It can even improve your sleep, your mood and your memory.
Back to that old accordion. Without knowing much about it, you can most likely picture what one looks like and how when someone plays it, it appears they are folding it.
They are actually folding something called the bellows and those are the part of the instrument that pumps air into the reeds to create sound.
Now, if we imagine our brand as an accordion, we can imagine all the pieces that need to be folded together to create one cohesive tune.
At WordWrite, we help you compose that tune, which ends up being your Capital S Story. This is the story that explains why someone would want to buy from you, work for you, invest in you or partner with you.
There are many layers to any brand’s story, but they need to connect, be consistent and create something that fits together.
While writing your next monthly newsletter or blog think of that accordion and how you can build off what you’ve already created and fold in what will enhance your brand story.
Need some music inspiration? If you want to listen to Pauls’ band's new album, you can stream it right here.