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Professional Storytelling and Strategic Communication Perspective Blogs : covid-19

The COVID-19 crisis needs planning, not partisanship or platitudes

The hope as the initial wave of COVID-19 spread across America in March was for the curve to flatten and cases be on the decline by August. As Yogi Berra famously said, “It’s déjà..

Marketing beyond COVID-19: How to get back to regularly scheduled programs

This month, we were supposed to be launching a National Safety Month campaign for a client. We started the materials, began developing a video series and wrote content. We had..

The value of an authentic story has never been more clear

As we enter the summer of 2020, Americans would be hard pressed to remember a time in the last half century that has featured more physical, emotional and economic chaos.

Punctuating the Boredom of Your Self-Quarantine

You would’ve thought someone had invented a proven vaccine for COVID-19.

How to reach out to media during COVID-19 pandemic

I’ll be honest, I am growing a bit tired of the how-to-do-X-during-COVID-19 blogs. If I read another “How to make face masks from scraps of wrapping paper” or “How to saw paper..

Crisis Response Phase Three: Sharing your story when the coronavirus crisis is over

It may be hard to imagine now, but some day the hashtags #COVID-19 and #coronavirus will describe a time in our past, rather than the unstable present.

What businesses should be doing during the first phase of the COVID-19 crisis

In just a matter of days, COVID-19 has taken a toll on nearly all businesses. You’ve probably seen a variety of emails and social media posts giving company updates on how they..