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Professional Storytelling and Strategic Communication Perspective Blogs : coronavirus

Marketing beyond COVID-19: How to get back to regularly scheduled programs

This month, we were supposed to be launching a National Safety Month campaign for a client. We started the materials, began developing a video series and wrote content. We had..

Punctuating the Boredom of Your Self-Quarantine

You would’ve thought someone had invented a proven vaccine for COVID-19.

How to reach out to media during COVID-19 pandemic

I’ll be honest, I am growing a bit tired of the how-to-do-X-during-COVID-19 blogs. If I read another “How to make face masks from scraps of wrapping paper” or “How to saw paper..

Crisis Response Phase Three: Sharing your story when the coronavirus crisis is over

It may be hard to imagine now, but some day the hashtags #COVID-19 and #coronavirus will describe a time in our past, rather than the unstable present.

What businesses should be doing during the first phase of the COVID-19 crisis

In just a matter of days, COVID-19 has taken a toll on nearly all businesses. You’ve probably seen a variety of emails and social media posts giving company updates on how they..