Everyone knows about the classic 5 W’s of journalism — who, what, when, where and why — and that it’s the last one that’s so crucial to a good story. I’d add another helpful, if..
It’s easy for employees and ordinary people to imagine C-Suite leaders operating from the vantage point of an ivory tower, sitting at the top of the organizational totem pole and..
The moment was finally here. The greatly anticipated, prime-time speech during the opening night of the 1988 Democratic Convention was going to be the chance for a promising..
I’m sure it comes as no surprise to most of you that engaging with consumers through compelling storytelling is an essential part of marketing in the business-to-consumer (B2C)..
All great leaders feel stuck at one point or another. They can clearly visualize where they want to go and who they want to reach in their marketing efforts, but their branding..
The best things come in threes — flavors in Neapolitan ice cream, laws of thermodynamics, “Godfather” films (OK, that’s debatable) and, of course, elements of stories.
When a skeptic tells me that a business-to-business company can’t sell using social media, I flip over to YouTube and demonstrate one of the greatest social media storytelling..
New times sometimes call for new, (and sometimes not so new) approaches. In the never-ending pursuit to communicate effectively, managers and marketers alike are making “new”..
This blog is usually filled with discussions and perspectives on the importance and technique of telling meaty stories with context, enlightenment for audiences and above all..