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Professional Storytelling and Strategic Communication Perspective Blogs : authenticity

Four characteristics of successful leadership during a crisis

"Before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is all about others." — Jack Welch

Three things your parents taught you about storytelling

A version of this blog post appeared previously on the Forbes Agency Council blog. As a consultant focused on uncovering, developing and sharing the great stories of our clients,..

The pursuit of the White Whale: Marketable authenticity

Is authenticity still authentic if it’s self-serving?

Acknowledging a Tragedy

No matter where you live, if you watch national news, I’m sure you feel like we do – as if you are surrounded by the destruction of senseless acts of violence. Like the ground may..

Trustworthiness in the Media

Trustworthiness. Is this something you can really rate and measure? According to Facebook, yes. The Washington Post recently reported on the social giant’s new rating system,..